A honey bee, a busy, flying insect that lives in a hive and makes honey. Depicted as a black-and-yellow bee with clear or white wings and a stinger. Variously facing left in full profile or shown from above.
May be used to represent various types of bees (e.g., bumblebee) and wasps (e.g., hornets, yellow jackets). May also be used to accent black-and-yellow colors or patterns. Popularly used in connection with singer and superstar Beyoncé (nicknamed Queen Bey) or for metaphorical queen bees. Can also be used to refer to the city of Manchester in the United Kingdom, as the worker bee is the symbol of the city.
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First Look: New Apple Emojis in iOS 18.4 Beta 2
Today Apple has previewed its latest batch of Unicode emojis as part of the second iOS 18.4 beta.

Emojis & Dating Apps: Rizz, Romance, Icks & Others
It’s no stretch to say that emojis have transformed the way people interact on the internet, and in few other areas is that truer than in the world of online dating.

Emojis To Tackle The NFL & Super Bowl LIX 🏈
This Sunday is the 59th annual Super Bowl, the biggest night of the American football calendar. This year's championship game is once again a showdown between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles—so expect to see many football emojis this weekend.